The simple Wordpress Library in practice

Ok so here is how you make a simple post using the new python library I’m writing

import wpress

blogs = wpress.WP("",

                   "username", "password")

blog = blogs["Baggers on the Web"]

new_post  = wpress.WPPost()

new_post.title = "First Post Test!"

new_post.body = """Hey all!

This is my first live test of my python library. 

In the next post I will show the code used to post this post.




That’s all there is to it! When you connect to wordpress a dict of your blogs is returned, you pull out the one you want and append on a post.

If you want to pull the first 6 posts you do this

import wpress

blogs = wpress.WP("",

                   "username", "password")

blog = blogs["Baggers on the Web"]

first_six = blog[:6]

I’m crashing out now but I’m going to post on working with xmlrpc in general soon…there have been some interesting gotchas.


Published: August 25 2011

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