Tweak paredit so it doesnt put spaces before parens if they follow certain chars

I quickly hacked this together to fix fixes a frustration where trying to write #a(1 2 3) gets ‘corrected’ by paredit to #a (1 2 3)

(defvar paredit-dont-add-space-after
  '((?s ?#) (?a ?#) (?λ) (?- ?#) (?+ ?#) (?c ?#) (?o ?#) (?p ?#) (?r ?#) (?s ?#) (?x ?#)))

(add-hook 'paredit-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq paredit-space-for-delimiter-predicates
                  (list (lambda (endp delimiter)
                          (if (not endp)
                                (let ((1-back (char-before))
                                      (2-back (char-before (- (point) 1))))
                                   (cl-loop for (1b 2b) in paredit-dont-add-space-after thereis
                                            (and 1-back (char-equal 1b 1-back)
                                                 (if 2b
                                                     (when 2-back
                                                       (char-equal 2b 2-back))

Published: June 26 2015

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