TaleSpire Dev Log 431 + Patch Release Note

Heya folks, After much gnashing of teeth, the seat feature is in for review with Steam. Now we wait and fix anything they decide needs tweaking. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s through review and ready for release.

In the meantime, I want to get stuck in our long-awaited “Month of Bugs,” where I just try and fix as much random stuff as I can.

I can’t guarantee it’ll be the specific bugs that you most want to be squashed, but there will (finally) be some visible work from me after a few months of quiet grumbling.

We are kicking off with a little patch courtesy of @chairmander, who fixed these while administering the public bug-reporting site.

  • Fixed a couple of cases where “Waiting on GM” was not updating to reflect changes in the player’s rights
  • Fix a case where clicking on client-portrait was not focusing the active creature
  • fix a couple of typos in an alert message and a tutorial
  • fix a log message

Alrighty, I’ll get back to work. I hope you’re all having a successful day.


Disclaimer: This DevLog is from the perspective of one developer. So it doesn’t reflect everything going on with the team

Published: May 13 2024

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