TaleSpire Dev Log 439

Hi folks,

Today, I’ve been tinkering with improving the sense of presence of other builders in the game.

Communal building is a foundational part of TaleSpire. Even though we are far from finished, the fact that large groups of people can build together socially is something we are very proud of. However, one area that has been lacking is communicating what you are doing to other builders before you place something.

When building with legos, it’s easy to gesture or show each other what you are up to. To that end, I’ve begun working on showing the tile or prop you are holding to other builders.

clip showing the actions of another builder being syncronised

We still need to make it more obvious that the item is being held by another person (probably with a visual effect) and maybe even which person is holding it. However, along with voice chat, it’s already easier to ask questions about positions and orientations while also getting motivation from seeing others at work.

Naturally, this will be for GMs only, as you wouldn’t want the players to see what devilry you are secretly constructing up ahead!

That said, we will start experimenting with a “ping” system in the not-too-distant future, allowing for more visual communication between both GMs and players.

That’s all for tonight,


Disclaimer: This DevLog is from the perspective of one developer. So it doesn’t reflect everything going on with the team

Published: June 19 2024

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