
Fast lispy way to work with OpenGL

CEPL (Code Evaluate Play Loop) - [Beta]

CEPL is a lispy and REPL-friendly Common Lisp library for working with OpenGL.

Its definition of success is making the user feel that GPU programming has always been part of the languages standard.

The usual approach to using CEPL is to start it at the beginning of your Lisp session and leave it open for the duration of your work. You can then treat the window it creates as just another output for your graphics, analogous to how *standard-output* is treated for text.

CEPL is in beta. The API is close to what it needs to be but there are still many bugs to fix, features to add, and experiences to smooth out.

See the cepl.examples repository for some examples of how CEPL can be used

Videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2VAYZE_4wRKKr5pJzfYD1w4tKCXARs5y


Run (ql:quickload :cepl) at your REPL.


Whilst it is recommended to get CEPL from quicklisp, if you clone please note that master is not the stable branch. Please use release-quicklisp for the stable code that will be in the next CEPL release.


Currently we have full documentation of every exported symbol in the CEPL package. You can find this here: CEPL API Docs

Guides will be provided in future, however these take much longer to write.

I can also be reached by my email (techsnuffle [at] gmail · com) and sometimes on #lispgames IRC. Come to #lispgames anyway though, there are some lovely folks, all lispy dialects welcome!


All of the following will be downloaded automatically by quicklisp

C Library dependency

CEPL uses OpenGL ( version >= 3.1 ) so you need to make sure it is available on your machine. Installing your GPU drivers will usually handle this.

CEPL's Host

CEPL abstracts working with OpenGL but is not responsible for creating a window or GL context; this is handled by a Host. Right now the only supported host is SDL2; the system to load is called cepl.sdl2, you can find it here: cepl.sdl2

Getting Started

Note: On OSX, slime users may want to add the code specifed in docs/single-thread-swank.md to their Emacs config file, and use the command slime-style which will start slime in a more OpenGL friendly mode. Then follow the rest of this as usual.

To load CEPL and the default host (sdl2) do the following:

You should see an empty window appear, OpenGL is now initialized, and you can use CEPL as you like.

Making a CEPL Project

The best way to get started is to make a new project that uses CEPL. Do the following in your REPL to get set up:

You are now ready to get started. Simply run: - (ql:quickload "my-proj") - (in-package :my-proj) - and finally (if you havent already) (cepl:repl)

Windows C Library Hack

If you are having issues getting the C libraries to load and just need to rule out whether Lisp can find them, try putting them in the same folder as the lisp exe. For example C:\Program Files\sbcl\.


This mainly covers features & news rather than individual bugfixes. When we are out of beta these will be covered more often



Due to the changes listed below you will now want to change your current asd's to require :rtg-math.vari and to change your packages to :use :rtg-math.

Some folks were asking for the ability to use their own math libraries rather than rtg-math which CEPL has depended on up until now. I have made this change but this means that this is something users will have to add themselves from now on.

For those picking a library cepl expects vectors & matrices to be sized simple-arrays of single-floats e.g. (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float) for 3 component vectors.

We have also removed the dependency on fn & cl-fad.

Other Changes: - added the remove-surface function - closing primary window no longer quits cepl - removed interactive from lifecycle events (will add surface lifecycle events in future release)


*I am terrible at changelogs. I am retroactively making the updates for everything between june 2017 and jan 2018










I missed some logs here so this is a recap of everything since 2017-02-19



cepl is licensed under the BSD 2 Clause license. © Chris Bagley (Baggers) <techsnuffle@gmail.com> .

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