From the Burrow
Windows Event Log Pain
If you have an error in the Windows event log with no decent information, try this site out: It will take a event-id and source or just the vague error message and give a decent rundown on what might have happened. I’m getting a lot of these turnign up in Zenoss these days!
Exchange Email And Linux
Evolution Into Multicelular Organism in 60 days
Just wonderful!
Emacs on multiple monitors
Alas it seems there no decent way to have this but you can open a new frame. C-x 5 2 or File->New Frame
Coding TCL in Emacs
This is just a quick post. At work I’m having to do a lot of TCL development and having recently become a convert to Emacs I obviously want to use it for everything!
The shortcuts are a bugger to remember so I thought I’d dump them here so I know where I can find them.
M-x tcl-mode M-x inferior-tcl (C-c C-t in a Tcl source buffer) Tcl editing:
C-c TAB (tcl-help-on-word) C-c C-c (comment-region) Tcl editing support for inferior Tcl:
C-c C-t (inferior-tcl) creates one. C-c C-s (switch-to-tcl) switches to the inferior Tcl process buffer (but does not create one). C-c C-x (tcl-eval-region) C-M-x or C-c C-v (tcl-eval-defun) C-c C-f (tcl-load-file) loads a Tcl file into the inferior Tcl process
Awesome! The eval region has to be the thing I love most from writing lis pin emacs so its great to have it for TCL.
Anyhoo thats all!
Browsing remote servers with eshell
As a budding Emacs nerd I’m looking at replacing my current awesome terminal emulator Terminator (it’s in the Ubuntu repos) with a shell within emacs.
I had a play with eshell and it worked well, but I wanted to be able to use a feature called find-file-at-point which opens the file your cursor is currently over in the buffer.
Turns out this is pretty damn easy: cd /ssh:username@servername:/path/you/want
Hit return, type in your password and you in!
Asimov & Arthur C. Clarke
A couple of lovely short stories to fill your lunch breaks. Enjoy!
testing a new client
Tips for Remote Unix Work (SSH, screen, and VNC) - Very human explanation of some very useful features of ssh
Oh my!
Damn I must have been writing code tired again. Theres some janky stuff in there!
p.s. Looks like I havent entirely grasped launchpad’s branching properly. I best do some more reading